On Thursday, October 12, a few team members from Culinary Medicine participated in the Women’s Research Day Conference Event on the UAMS campus. Dr. Gloria Richard-Davis, Dr. Gina Drobena, and Alyssa Frisby (MS, LD, RD) partnered with student, Savannah Hickman (M.D./MPH candidate), on a research project that evaluates the effectiveness that the Culinary Medicine Program has on young physicians. The curriculum is created to help future healthcare professionals efficiently counsel patients about preventing and treating certain chronic illnesses with diet.

Savannah explains her successful partnership with Culinary Medicine, “I have had the privilege of working with the Culinary Medicine team at UAMS through my research project that evaluates student provider knowledge on nutrition counseling. Everyone on this team has been so welcoming and gracious to me, and it has made my experience researching Culinary Medicine’s impact even more rewarding! Before starting this project, I was not aware of how impactful nutrition education on the provider-side was, but I have learned so much from this experience and can’t wait to see all of the positive change that UAMS’s Culinary Medicine team makes!”
The event took place on the 10th floor of the Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute, where women gathered to present their research posters to the UAMS community. In addition to hanging the posters, members of each research project stood by their designs to explain their findings to the public. The conference also involved various speakers that touched on different health-related topics. Culinary Medicine was proud to have Dr. Gina Drobena represent the program as she provided information about many aspects of wellness.
Download the research poster for more information.